
Save time when creating personalized documents in Google Drive


Up to 1,500 documents per day *
Early access to future features
Dedicated support

6.99 /mo


Save 50% vs. monthly plan

39.99 /yr

Up to 1,500 documents per day *
Early access to future features
Dedicated support


All premium features
For life!

119.99 /life

* If you have a free Gmail account, Google limits the document creation to 250 a day. If you have a Google Workspace account (formerly Google Suite), you can create up to 1,500 documents a day

Frequently Asked Questions

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Have a look at our Support Center 

Is there a free trial?

Yes! You can use SunnyDocs for free, up to 25 documents a day. If and when you need more, SunnyDocs premium includes up to 1,500 documents a day - and more features to come. If you want to benefit from premium features, you can upgrade your account on our [paid plans] (link to

How many documents can I create with Sunnydocs?

SunnyDocs Premium allows you to create personalized documents up to the limits imposed by Google:

  • Google Workspace (formerly G Suite) accounts can create up to 1,500 per day
  • Gmail accounts ( can create up to 250 documents per day

Your quota varies depending on the type of your Google account (G Suite or Gmail) and your plan. Read more about email quota

How is SunnyDocs different from other document merger solutions?

SunnyDocs lets you create personalized documents using your templates directly from google sheets and google documents or slides. It follows the KISS rule (Keep It Simple, Stupid), trying to answer a single use case, but in a very easy and straightforward way. 

Other document mergers do things quite differently, asking you very technical questions through almost 10 different screens before letting you get what you're here for: your documents - and the freedom to go rest in the sun :-)

SunnyDocs also has a generous free plan and a very simple pricing that works at any scale.

How can I personalise my documents?

You can personalise every part of the document, including its file name.

If you have a “first name” and a "last name" columns in your Google sheets,  *“*Document for {{first name}} {{last name}})*”* in your document will automatically be replaced by your recipient’s first name and last name (*“Document for Michele Obama”* for example).

You just need to put your variables inside double brackets, like this → {{variable}}, and SunnyDocs will handle the rest

Documents created with Sunnydocs will look as if you created them manually for each row of your Google Sheet.

How does SunnyDocs keep my data safe?

By design, your documents and data stay at all times in the Google environment. In order to operate, SunnyDocs follows a strict data minimization principle and collects the following data:

  • Your email address to identify your account
  • If you are a paying customer, your name to identify the payment
  • Documents created metadata (number of documents, date, that’s all)

SunnyDocs complies with the French Data Protection Laws and the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). You have a right of access, correction and removal of your personal data which you may exercise by sending us an email at

How do I manage my subscription?

To manage your account, click on the "account" icon in the SunnyDocs add-on for Google sheets. From this page, you'll be able to subscribe to a paid plan, update or cancel your plan. Rhe subscription will be cancelled immediately afterward. If you cancel before the end of your subscription period, you will still be able to use your SunnyDocs Premium account up to the last day of the subscription.

I need help with SunnyDocs

If you need help with SunnyDocs, don't hesitate to have a look at our Help Center - you will probably find answers there.

But you can also contact us (link to contact us page in help center) we’ll be glad to help!